Saturday, March 29, 2008


One of my personality quirks is that I love organization. I love lists, lists of lists, and all kinds of groupings of information. Perhaps this is why I got a degree in library science. I remember as a child sitting in my room organizing my "collections." My baseball cards were organized and reorganized. My horse dolls were arranged neatly on the shelves. I kept information about everything that interested me in scrapbooks, organized by subject and date (of course.) I found after becoming a librarian that there were others like me. We librarians and archivists love organization. We would like to spend hours upon hours arranging things. Now that I am an adult, the things I organize at home have changed a bit -- tupperware in the cabinet, my daughter's toys (it has yet to be seen if she has the organization gene,) cleansers, mail, my husband's papers, seeds, etc.

I became the "Internet Coordinator" at the first library where I worked in the early nineties. The Internet was just becoming popular and libraries were jumping on board to organize "cyberspace." Of course it made and still makes sense for librarians to play a role in this world. As organizational specialists, we always have new ideas for making lists of lists better and better. And, we don't mind sitting around making lists of lists all day.

I am new to the blogging world and recently joined Blotanical . Tonight is my first night exploring it thoroughly. I am impressed with how far Internet lists have come. Blotanical not only lists great gardening blogs to keep me busy for days on end, they also provide other organizational features to keep an organizational geek like me happy. There are lists of the most popular blogs and lists of the most popular posts. It also seems that those who run blotanical are continually thinking of ways to reorganize. Case in point: In a discussion of how growth will affect their popular posts listings they write "My suggestion would be to create 3 different lists while still retaining the 10 most Popular Posts page." Can it be that the good folks at Blotanical are librarians too?!!! Can it be that twice in a lifetime I have found others like me, but this time they are not only organizational geeks; they are also gardeners!!!!

Thank you blotanical for including me on your list. I look forward to a long fruitful relationship and I look forward to meeting everyone else on your list.


Anonymous said...

No, I'm not a librarian Melissa but as an accountant I'm sure that rates up with enjoying 'lists' of things. Sadly, I love stats more than lists!!

Great post and I hope you enjoy your time perusing Blotanical. You're Red Star is on its way.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hi Melissa
I worked in libraries and I love organization too .. and this is a wonderfully "ordered" site to enjoy your garden passion with !
The gardeners here are amazing as well !

@JeanAnnVK said...

I love blotanical, too! And thanks for checking out my site...we all have to find ways to deal with "MN", otherwise it's too depressing!